Introduction to Silversmithing – Soldering Bootcamp • Oct 26 and 27

Introduction to Silversmithing – Soldering Bootcamp • Oct 26 and 27


Soldering Bootcamp

On the road to becoming goldsmiths ourselves and since opening our own jewellery school, we have learned a few things on the way. One of them being – soldering is a tricky process for beginners to nail down and it takes tons of practice. For those who desperately need to learn to solder  – WELCOME SOLDERING BOOTCAMP!  This is a two-day, all-day, weekend workshop that focuses on repetitive soldering of various wire thicknesses and using 3 different solder types, Easy, Medium and Hard, each solder grade melts at different temperatures to enable multiple solders on complex jewellery pieces. At the end of the weekend, you will have learned how to create a hand-made sterling silver Necklace. To allow for the maximum success of each student in the boot camp, we have limited space available. All of the supplies and equipment are provided and no experience is necessary.

With small class sizes, you will have the opportunity to have in-depth lessons and more one-on-one assistance.

All of the materials and equipment are provided for this class and no experience is necessary. Please wear close-toed shoes, comfortable clothes, your hair tied back and no scarves or loose clothing (such as long open sleeves that could propose a safety hazard)